Is planning and managing your confined space just too confusing?

Not quite sure what options are available?

Who is responsible?

How to assess the hazard?

How you should plan work in a confined space?

What even is a “confined” space?

What actually is a “Rescue Plan”? 

Confined Space for Managers

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Need those champions?

Why not create a team

champions to manage your work in confined spaces?

Confined spaces seem obvious…

But most aren’t. They don’t need to be small, and unless there is a specified risk they may just be a space….

Seeking out the knowledge and experience of others to supplement your own or to make a team of champions, that seems to just make sense.

You’ve learnt what a confined space is, you’ve decided your team need to enter them…. Now you need to know:

  • What to look for
  • What to put in place
  • How to look after them whilst they are in there
  • What to do if something doesn’t go to plan…

Employers and managers of teams need detailed knowledge and understanding of confined spaces to assist them to recognise them, know the difference to a restricted space, plan the entry, the equipment needed, how to control it, produce method statements, risk assessments and rescue plans.

If you need to know what working in a confined space is and how to control (or avoid) it, then this is for you.

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